In-person, video, and phone sessions are all available depending on your comfort level and what best fits your needs. Each session is tailored to fit you and your experience and will allow you to feel in control of your own healing.
To help you determine if counselling is right for you, the risks and benefits of counselling are outlined below, as are the main theoretical frameworks used in my sessions. I aim to pull from several different models of therapy that will create a safe yet challenging environment for your inner growth.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes”
- Carl Jung
The benefits and risks of counselling outlined below are not exhaustive, but they will give you an informed idea about whether or not therapy is right for you. It is much more likely that therapy will be beneficial, but it does bring about a certain amount of risk that should be considered. Clients are strongly encouraged to discuss any concerns, doubts, or fears about their progress in therapy, including any benefits or risks that are not listed but may be associated with their situation.
Improvement in general mood
Increased self-esteem, confidence, and relationship satisfaction
Gaining coping skills to manage stress more effectively
Set and achieve realistic goals
Get help to express feelings and manage strong emotional reactions
Greater ability to communicate needs, feelings, and thoughts more openly to others
Less engagement in unhealthy or destructive behaviours and replacing them with healthy behaviours
Coming to terms with past experiences
Increased ability to set boundaries
More self-acceptance and decreased levels of anxiety and depression
Lack of progress towards therapy goals
Relationships with other people in your life may be impacted
Uncomfortable or painful feelings may get worse at the beginning of therapy (this is usually temporary)
Counselling may bring up painful memories causing you to feel guilt, sadness, anxiety, anger or frustration
Feelings of vulnerability when sharing sensitive information
Financial cost of therapy
Feelings of distress when therapy ends
Gaining insights about yourself that are difficult to accept and work through
Experiencing your own comfort or resistance when being challenged by your therapist

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) aims to help you become aware of negative or inaccurate thought patterns so that you can approach challenging life situations with more clarity and respond more effectively. In a therapy session, we may break things down into steps and a) Identify which situations in your life are currently troubling you, b) Help you become aware of the emotions, beliefs, and thoughts you have about these situations, c) Challenge thought patterns and behaviour that may be contributing to the problem, and d) Reshape negative or inaccurate thinking in order to create new, healthy habits.
Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) focuses on an individual’s goals, and present and future circumstances. The SFT approach encourages the individual to form a vision of the future whilst offering support in developing abilities, skills, and the resources needed to successfully achieve their vision. The aim is to help you identify and develop the tools within yourself to cope with challenges and manage symptoms, and for you to recognize that on some level, you already know what changes you need to make.
Internal Family Systems (IFS) explores the system of protective and wounded inner parts led by our core Self. IFS aims to heal by accessing these inner parts to create inner and outer connectedness, and to better understand our vulnerabilities. Through IFS work, we can learn to have compassion for all of our inner parts, and feel more confident to lead from our Self to meet our unique needs.
Throughout our lives, we create narratives or stories that help us to make sense of the things that happen to us. Some of these narratives serve us well, and others can be restrictive or sometimes even damaging. The Narrative Therapy approach gives the individual an opportunity to explore how their narratives came about, and to reframe their problems within a more accurate and preferable context. The goal of this approach is to empower the individual in collaboration with the therapist, and to show how we can make room for other stories or narratives.
Compassionate Inquiry is an approach that aims to reveal who we are underneath the appearance that we present to others. In a therapy session, we will explore the unconscious dynamics that control your life and how to free yourself from those patterns. When we uncover the core stories that you are telling yourself unconsciously, we will identify what beliefs are tied to those stories and how they manifested. This gives you the possibility of letting those stories go, along with the control they have over your life.
Our early experiences with parental and caregiving relationships can have a lasting impact on our lives. Inner child work aims to explore these early experiences with the intention of healing emotional wounds and traumas from our childhood. Through curiosity, compassion, and deep repair, the child within us can have peace and feel protected by our adult Self.

“For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), it’s always ourselves we find in the sea”
- E. E. Cummings
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